Quote of the Day
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. – Jimmy Dean
We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for, I don’t know – W. H. Auden
The word ‘politics’ is derived from the word ‘poly’ meaning ‘many’, and the word ‘ticks’ meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’. – Larry Hardiman
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. – Lewis Carroll
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. – Morrie Schwartz
Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day. – Barbara De Angelis
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. – William Shakespeare
Do all you can to make your dreams come true. – Joel Osteen
Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize. – Elizabeth Harrison